A splash of cold water on my face lifts me from the lull of sleep. My coffeemaker sputters to life, and the first rays of morning light peek over the hills outside my window. These are the daily rhythms of my morning, bringing calm and comfort in their repetition no matter what’s in store for the day ahead. I first began cultivating a morning routine back in college—I found solace in creating structure during such a transitional season. I think this was my first step toward actively seeking wellness in my life, and over the years, my morning routine has become the heart of my journey toward personal growth.
We all have daily routines that are baked into our lives. We eat meals, take showers, brush our teeth, and get ready for work. So what’s the difference between these routines that so often feel mundane or even burdensome, and a daily ritual that brings joy and meaning to our days? I believe it’s through the intention that we bring, the lens through which we’re viewing these small everyday moments that ultimately, make up our lives.

Although mine changes with the seasons of life, there are some constants in the first hour of the day: journaling and reading, reviewing my goals, and always—a hot cup of coffee. So often, “productivity” focuses on how we can be doing more, but at this point in my life, I’m focusing on doing less—while prioritizing the most important things.
Since we all know that our best intentions can be sidelined by factors outside our control throughout the day, the early morning is the best time to get really clear about what we’re going to prioritize that day. Here are the current morning rituals I'm embracing as we enter a new year—I truly believe starting the day intentionally is key to designing the lives of our dreams.

6:00am: Skincare and Coffee
My alarm goes off, I glance at the sleep stats on my Oura Ring, then I head into the bathroom, splash my face with cold water, cleanse and moisturize. I head into the kitchen and turn on the coffeemaker (I always get it ready the night before). While it’s brewing, I feed our cat Clem, and prepare a cozy spot in our living room spot with my journal, headphones, and whatever book I’m reading. I grab my Solstice Mug and settle in.
6:20am: Meditate, Journal, Read
I pop in my air pods and do a quick meditation or mindfulness app to get in the zone, then I switch to relaxing music and start journaling. Sometimes I write in my physical journal, but I also like using the Evernote app so that it’s all searchable (even my handwriting) since I often go back and revisit my journal for writing ideas or quotes.
My journaling is a combo of creative free-writing, prayer, and recording things from the day before that I want to remember later. If I’m experiencing writers’ block, I just put pen to paper and start writing—anything, even if it makes no sense it always sparks something I want to dive deeper into.

6:40am: Review my goals
Next, it’s time to get out my Vision Workbook and review the following sections:
- Mantra for the year
Mine is “less distraction, more engagement.”
- List of words describing how I want to feel
It’s amazing how just reading the word “energized” immediately give me more energy.
- Goals for each area of my life
It may sound repetitive to read these goals every morning, but trust me: there’s something about getting clear on what matters to you daily that changes everything.

6:50am: Prioritize the day
This step takes just a few minutes, but it probably has the most powerful effect on the rest of my day. Since the way we spend our time is a direct expression of what’s most important to us, it's so important to be intentional with how we’ve allocated our precious hours in the day ahead.
I like to set priorities by writing down the three most important tasks for me to get done that day. They can be work-related or personal, they just need to align with my overall goals so I can make sure I’m always making progress. Usually, I write these down in my journal, and then I also keep a pad of paper on my desk where I’ll write them down so I can easily see them throughout my workday.
You know those days where it feels like you’re just spinning your wheels and hopping from one thing to the next, but it feels like you have nothing to show for it? Even on days like that, if I accomplish my top three priorities, I can end the day knowing that even if I didn’t get everything done, I still got the most important things done.
And remember: create good habits, but don’t hold to them too tightly. Sometimes life gets in the way, and it’s better to roll with it instead of resisting.