Roti Brown knows the beauty of a quiet routine. She allows her mornings to open organically, creating space for the rituals her mind, body, and spirit crave before she slips into her day. This can be as simple as sipping a glass of water, or as impactful as a morning workout. But whatever her early hours bring, there remains a single consistency: Roti Brown always prioritizes what makes her feel good.

In our mile-a-minute world, the ability to carve out time for ourselves can seem like a luxury. But in an effort to protect our days, we’d argue it’s a necessity. Through the way Roti moves throughout her morning, it’s evident that she shares our sentiment. And for all you skeptics, don’t worry: her work has only benefited from the time she’s given back to herself.
As a creator, Roti is mindful of the balance between seeking out external inspiration and turning inward for answers. She embraces a slow morning and recognizes the time that she spends before opening her computer is sacred. But still, like the most refreshing and authentic among us, her intentions are met with a healthy dose of 2023 reality. She *sometimes* resists the pull of social media and keeps her habits simple. Oh, and she knows the importance of a weekly, fresh bouquet.
Step Inside Roti Brown’s Creative World
That’s because Roti Brown is aware of the simple little details that make life all the more beautiful. She seeks quiet and pauses to appreciate the magic of fresh air. And of course, Roti knows that simply stepping into the kitchen—and taking on a new dish—is a recipe for growth. If you’re wondering how you can find more time for yourself throughout the day, Roti’s routine is bound to spark ideas. Read on to discover the rituals that ground her days in creative bliss.
How Do You Start Each Morning?
I try my best to stay off Instagram first thing in the morning. Instead, I like to pick up a book to start my day. I usually make a matcha and head out for a morning walk or to an exercise class. I try to make the first part of my morning routine about me. I take the time to do what I need before focusing on work or outside requests. I love a slow morning and think of the time before I open my computer as sacred. It’s a small way for me to recharge before getting busy for the day.
What’s Something You’re Committed To Doing Every Single Day?
Drinking water and spending a good amount of time getting fresh air.
How Does The Design Of Your Space Reflect Your Priorities?
I love finding inspiration in my environment—tranquility, warmth, and a balance of beauty and simplicity are important to me. I tried my best to make sure they shine through in my studio.
I’m also deeply inspired by nature and pulled a lot of my favorite elements into the design process. Wood, stone, and neutral tones played a big role in the overall design.
Are There Chores You Actually Look Forward To Doing?
Not at all a chore, but I go to the flower market every week and pick out a new set of fresh flowers for my house. It’s a small thing I do for myself that I look forward to all week long.
What Are Your Favorite Scents?
I’m not really one for meditation, but the smell of things cooking relaxes me. That might sound strange, but I’m always making a lot of stews and soups with warm spices—recipes that require time and layers of flavor to come together. I like to get lost in a book or sometimes go down an endless social media scroll while waiting for the ding of the timer to go off.
What Role Does Food Play In Your Daily Life?
How Do You Keep Yourself Energized Throughout The Day?
By scheduling breaks, otherwise I burn out early in the day and don’t get anything done.

Where Do You Turn For Inspiration When You’re Feeling Creatively Blocked?
What Do You Do To Prioritize Health And Wellness?
What’s The Best Career Advice Anyone Ever Gave You?
A long time ago, a mentor told me to value the power of momentum. They encouraged me by saying that whatever I wanted to do, I should just get started and keep going. I love that advice, because looking back, the small steps I took toward my goals played a huge role in where I am now.

How Would You Describe Your Work/Life Balance?
I’d say this is a balance I’m still trying to find. For now, it looks like micro boundaries. Some days I sleep with my phone in another room so I can’t check emails or go on Instagram late at night/early in the morning.
What’s The Best Spot In Your House?
I’m often found sitting on my couch, feet up on the coffee table, swallowed in a blanket. It’s cozy and warm (which is great because I’m perpetually cold) and there’s a view of the backyard to my right and a skylight directly above me.

Name One Food Or Kitchen Item You Can’t Live Without.
Probably curry powder or my Instapot. I use both in (almost) every recipe.
What’s Your Go-To Method For Unwinding After A Long Day?
Phone on Do not Disturb, dim lighting, and soft music. After running around all day, I’m really good at doing nothing for a little bit.
What’s Your Favorite Time Of Day And Why?
Sunset when I have time to enjoy the view. If not, I do love mornings. I think it’s the quiet and the cool air.